New here? Want to learn more? Welcome to Gospel Grace, we're glad you're here!

What to Expect

What is worship like?

Each Sunday we come together for the soul purpose of glorifying God. We long to exalt the name of Jesus through singing, preaching, and prayer time. We embrace both modern contemporary and more traditional music as we seek to joyfully sing together. We engage in intentional times of prayer (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, & Supplication), while giving proper attention to expository (verse by verse) preaching from the Bible.

Is there a place for my kids?

Gospel Grace longs to love your family well. We have a staffed nursery area for children from birth through 3 years old during the entire Sunday gathering. All nursery workers are trained and ready to assist you upon arrival!

We want your kids to love church and grow in a personal relationship with Christ, and yet we also value the importance of family worship together. On most Sundays we offer a kid’s church program founded in God’s Word that will provide age-appropriate and relevant lessons. Our “Gospel Kids” (ages 4-10) will patriciate in the song time gathering as a church family, and will be dismissed prior to the preaching time. Please check-in your children before the service begins. Your kids are always welcome to remain with you through the service as well!

Is there a place for older students?

We strongly encourage students to worship together with the church as a whole. We believe it is healthy for students to gain meaningful relationship and interact with others within the church through the Sunday gathering and other activities as well.

Gospel Students serves junior high through high school. We meet twice a month for a time of singing, teaching, and small group gathering. We also invite parents to actively participate as well. 

Where is the church building and where can I park?
Gospel Grace meets each Sunday at 10:30am at 9064 W Grandview Blvd, Pendleton, Indiana (Formerly Grandview Church). Simply park anywhere at the main entrance parking lot and head inside! Let our greeters know you’re new and we’ll make sure you and your family are taken care of.

“Gospel Grace Church exists to be and make gospel-centered disciples who enjoy God’s grace and extend God’s glory. We desire to equip people to be disciples who make disciples. God is glorified when we live on mission as we proclaim the message of the gospel of Christ.”